Visual Identity • Graphic Design • Event Branding


We have 15+ years of experience in working for global clients. We've delivered creative services for clients such as WWF, Red Bull, Western Digital, WB Games and Netflix to name a few.

While we are working on the full English version of this website feel free to drop us a line!

Seledyn Studio - logo

let's work together

send a message

Let's chat about your project. Don't worry if you don't have all the information, we will go through everything and set up the best ways to collaborate based on your schedule and budget.

Maciej Hajnrich
Co-founder and Art Director

+48 501 343 648

new project

Let's talk about your  brand.

Send a message by filling form


If you have more details about your project you'd like to share with us, that's great! Don't hesitate to add your comments to the form, send it back and let's do amazing work together.

What's your name?

What's the name of your company/brand?

Write your email address

What's your contact number

Describe your project


Creative services in need

Visual identity


Event branding

Creative campaign


Social media

Full service

Feel free to attach your logo or drafts

Formularz został wysłany — dziękujemy.

Wypełnij wszystkie wymagane pola ;)

our studio address

Seledyn Studio.
Przemysłowa 10/121
Katowice, Poland
EU VAT code: PL9542848004

let's meet

Our studio is in the heart of Silesia, in Katowice city, north Poland. If you're around, we can have a coffee, yet an online call will always work.


As creators and artists, we constantly seek inspiration and creative fire. Are you a freelancer and want to cooperate with us? Go ahead and drop us a message.

stay in touch

© 2024 Seledyn Studio. Branding+Design.